Whole Human Challenge

Is a 7-week Catholic mental health program aimed at being fully alive mind, body, and spirit. Created by Isaac Wicker – a Catholic therapist – Whole Human Challenge is based on nearly a decade of mental health experience. It combines practical habit building, insight-based psychological exercises, and clear spiritual vision all within the context of community and accountability.

The 4 stages of the challenge dive into four essential aspects of living fully alive. They are moving from distraction to presence, from anxiety to adventure, from insecurity to wonder, and from productivity to availability.

Stage 1: DISTraction to present

Weeks 1 & 2 focus on being fully present to the life around you. We spend so much time and energy running away from life, but…

Being present is the only way you can give or receive love.

The Challenge

  • 3 tech-free evenings
  • Learn the anatomy of the moment
  • Establish foundational goals
  • Envision a new way to live

Stage 2: Anxiety to adventure

Weeks 3 & 4 focus on conquering anxiety and living aligned with values. We live ruled by fear and anxiety but…

Right now is another opportunity to live what really matters!

The Challenge

  • Practice 3 best anxiety stoppers
  • Learn the logic of threat
  • Connect fears to values
  • Connect to-dos to values

Stage 3: insecurity to wonder

Weeks 5 & 6 focus on the infinite desire for God within our hearts. We often settle for pleasant distractions and vacation dreams, but…

God made your desires bigger than this world.

The Challenge

  • Live intentional eating and hunger habits
  • Learn the nature of addiction vs full desire
  • Bring big and small desires to God
  • Deepen your daily gratitude and prayer

stage 4: productivity to availability

Week 7 focuses on living mission in daily life. We often get stuck following our own plans and goals, but…

Life is truly exciting when we participate in God’s mission in the moment.

The Challenge

  • Review the journey to see growth and newness
  • Create a practical plan to carry this new life and growth into the next chapter!

Therapeutic Value: $2,450* 

Now $549

2 Week Money-Back Guarantee. Money still a roadblock? Apply for scholarships below!

Still have questions? Check out our FAQs or reach out to us directly at wholehumanchallenge@gmail.com